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Alagappan Clinical Medicine Pdf Free Download

Alagappan's Clinical Medicine for Dental Students 3rd Edition PDF

E-Book Description

Alagappan's Clinical Medicine for Dental Students 3rd Edition PDF Free Download

• As per DCI syllabus with a fresh presentation.
• Concise and comprehensive.
• Latest definitions and guidelines.
• Updated epidemiological data.
• Sample assessment charts.
• Abbreviations and Glossary.
• System-based assessment for developing clinical skills.
• Oral manifestations of medical conditions.
• Every section starts with a chapter on assessment for better understanding of medicine with in-depth practical knowledge.
• Enriched with numerous figures, tables and flowcharts for understanding of complex topics.
• Important questions are added at the end of chapters for exam preparation.
• Special boxes i.e. candle box and stethoscope box carrying clinically relevant information.

E-Book Details

Сategories: Medicine|Dentistry
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08B3D2448
Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 30, 2014
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Print length ‏ : ‎ 500 pages

Table of Contents

Section 1: General Medicine
1. Aims Objectives and Case History 3
� Aims and Objectives 3
� Doctor-Patient Interrelationship 3
� Case History 3
� General Examination 5
� Pulse 6
� Respiration 6
� Blood Pressure 6
� Temperature 7
� Clinical Examination 9
� Examination of Skin 9
� Examination of Face 12
� Constitution 13
� Stature 14
� State of Nutrition 14
� Oedema 15
� Examination of Mouth and Pharynx 16
� Examination of Neck 17
� Examination of Hands and Fingers 17
� Differential Diagnosis 20
� Investigations 20
� Diagnosis 20
� Treatment 21
� Prognosis 21
� Follow-up 21
Section 2: Abdomen
2. Assessment and Examination 27
� General Examination 27
� Regions of Abdomen 28
� Measurements 28
� Surface Marking of Organs 28
� Inspection 29
� Palpation 29
� Percussion 33
� Auscultation 35
� Investigation 36
3. Diseases of Oral Cavity 40
� Introduction 40
� Dental Caries 40
� Pulpitis 41
� Periodontitis 41
� Acute Necrotising Ulcerative Gingivitis 42
� Sialolithiasis 42
� Ranula 42
� Aphthous Ulcer 43
4. Diseases of Oesophagus 44
� Introduction 44
� Dysphagia 44
� Plummer-Vinson Syndrome 46
� Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 46
5. Diaseases of Stomach 49
� Gastritis 49
� Peptic Ulcer 52
6. Diseasess of Intestine 55
� Diarrhoea 55
� Dysentery 58
� Amoebiasis 59
� Malabsorption 61
7. Diseases of Liver 63
� Jaundice 63
� Hepatitis 66
� Hepatomegaly 69
� Cirrhosis of Liver 69
� Ascites 72
8. Glomerulonephritis 76
� Introduction 76
� Acute Glomerulonephritis 76
� Acute Post-Streptococcal
Glomerulonephritis 77
� Post-infectious Glomerulonephritis 77
9. Nephrotic Syndrome 78
� Introduction 78
� Pathogenesis 78
� Aetiology 78
� Clinical Features 79
� Investigations 81
� Management 81
� Complications 81
� Difference Between Nephrotic and
Nephritic Syndrome 81
xx Alagappan's Clinical Medicine for Dental Students
10. Renal Failure 82
� Acute Renal Failure 82
� Chronic Kidney Disease 83
� Chronic Renal Failure 84
Section 3: Cardiovascular System
11. Assessment and Examination 89
� General Examination 89
� Inspection 89
� Palpation 90
� Percussion 96
� Auscultation 96
� Blood Pressure 97
� Heart Sounds 99
� Heart Murmurs 102
� Dynamic Auscultation 102
� Investigations 103
� Important Symptoms and Signs 104
� Palpitation 105
� Syncope 105
� Cyanosis 106
12. Congenital Heart Diseases 108
� Introduction 108
� Classification 108
� Atrial Septal Defect 110
� Ventricular Septal Defect 111
� Patent Ductus Arteriosus 113
� Eisenmenger Syndrome 114
� Tetralogy of Fallot 115
13. Rheumatic Fever 118
� Introduction 118
� Pathophysiology 118
� Diagnosis 118
� Management 119
� Prevention 119
14. Valvular Heart Disease 120
� Mitral Valve Disease 120
� Aortic Valve Disease 125
� Tricuspid Valve Disease 130
15. Coronary Artery Disease 132
� Acute Coronary Syndromes 132
� Angina Pectoris 134
� Myocardial Infarction 135
� Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(Basic Life Support) 140
� Cardioversion (Direct Current Shock) 141
� Cardiac Transplantation 141
16. Infective Endocarditis 142
� Introduction 142
� Types 142
� Predisposing Factors 142
� Clinical Manifestations 142
� Clinical Consequences 143
� Investigations 143
� Management 144
� Prevention 144
� Non-infective Endocarditis 145
17. Arrhythmias 146
� Introduction 146
� Atria Origin Arrhythmias 146
� Ventricle Origin Arrhythmias 147
18. Cardiac Failure 150
� Introduction 150
� Classification 150
� Aetiology 151
� Investigations 152
� Management 152
19. Hypertension 158
� Introduction 158
� Aetiology 158
� Clinical Features 159
� Diagnosis 159
� Factors Influencing Prognosis 160
� Management 160
Section 4: Respiratory System
20. Assessment and Examination 169
� General Examination 169
� Surface Markings 169
� Inspection 171
� Palpation 174
� Percussion 176
� Auscultation 179
� Investigations 181
� Important Signs and Symptoms 185
21. Bronchial Asthma 187
� Introduction 187
� Aetiology and Types 187
� Pathophysiology 188
Contents xxi
� Clinical Features 188
� Investigations 189
� Management 190
� Status Asthmaticus 191
22. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease 192
� Introduction 192
� Predisposing Factors for Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 193
� Pathogenesis 193
� Clinical Features 193
� Diagnosis 194
� Investigations 194
� Management 195
23. Pneumonia 196
� Introduction 196
� Classification 196
� Predisposing Factors 197
� Pathological Stages 197
� Clinical Features 197
� Primary Pneumonia 198
� Physical Findings 198
� Investigations 199
� Secondary Pneumonia 199
� Management 200
� Complications 201
24. Pulmonary Tuberculosis 203
� Introduction 203
� Causative Organism 203
� Mode of Infection 203
� Primary Tuberculosis 204
� Clinical Features 204
� Miliary Tuberculosis 205
� Post Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis 205
� Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis 205
� Investigations 205
� Management 206
25. Pleural Effusion 209
� Introduction 209
� Pathogenesis 209
� Clinical Features 210
� Physical Examination 210
� Investigations 210
� Parapneumonic Effusion 212
� Empyema Thoracis 212
� Malignant Effusions 213
� Chylothorax 213
� Haemothorax 213
� Bilateral Pleural Effusion 213
26. Pneumothorax 215
� Introduction 215
� Spontaneous Pneumothorax 215
� Traumatic Pneumothorax 215
� Catamenial Pneumothorax 216
� Investigations 216
� Management 216
� Complications 217
27. Pulmonary Suppuration 218
� Lung Abscess 218
� Bronchiectasis 219
28. Lung Cancers 222
� Introduction 222
� Aetiology and Risk Factors 222
� Classification 222
� Clinical Features 223
� Investigations 223
� Management 223
Section 5: Haematology
29. Disorders of Red Blood Cells 227
� Anaemia 227
� Iron Deficiency Anaemia 228
� Megaloblastic Anaemia 230
� Addisonian Pernicious Anaemia 232
� Haemolytic Anaemia 233
� Haemolytic Disease of Newborn 234
� Red Cell Enzymopathy 236
� Sickle Cell Anaemia 236
� Thalassaemias 238
� Aplastic Anaemia 239
� Polycythaemia Rubra Vera (Osler's
Disease) 240
30. Disorders of White Blood Cells 242
� Introduction 242
� Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 242
� Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia 246
� Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia 247
� Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia 249
31. Heamostatis Disorders 251
� Introduction 251
� Platelet Disorders 251
� Qualitative Platelet Disorders 251
� Quantitative Platelet Disorders 251
� Disorders Due to Deficiency of Clotting
Factors 254
xxii Alagappan's Clinical Medicine for Dental Students
� Haemophilia A 254
� Haemophilia B (Christmas Disease) 254
� von Willebrand's Disease 255
� Vitamin K Deficiency 255
� Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 255
32. Disorders of Lymph Nodes and Spleen 257
� Introduction 257
� Lymph Nodes 257
� Lymphadenopathy 258
� Splenomegaly 259
� Hypersplenism 260
� Hyposplenism/Asplenia 260
Section 6: Nervous System
33. Assessment and Examination 265
� General Examination 265
� Inspection 265
� Examination 265
34. Disorders of Cranial Nerve 289
� Facial Nerve Palsy 289
� Trigeminal Neuralgia (Facialpain) 291
35. Epilepsy 293
� Introduction 293
� Classification 293
� Pathophysiology 294
� Aetiology 294
� Clinical Features 295
� Oral Manifestations 295
� Investigations 295
� Management 296
� Status Epilepticus 296
� Epilepsy in Pregnant Women 297
36. Stroke 299
� Introduction 299
� Clinical Classification 299
� Aetiology 299
� Pathophysiology 300
� Investigations 301
� Management 302
37. Headaches 304
� Headache 304
� Migraine 305
� Neuralgic Headache 307
� Tension Headaches 307
38. Meningitis 308
� Introduction 308
� Aetiology 308
� Clinical Features 309
� Investigations 309
� Management 310
39. Approach to Coma 312
� Introduction 312
� Aetiology 312
� Assessment and Examination 313
� Differentiating Features between
Structural and Metabolic Coma 316
Section 7: Endocrine System
40. Thyroid Gland Disorders 319
� Hyperthyroidism 319
� Neonatal Hyperthyroidism 322
� Hypothyroidism 322
� Myxoedema Coma (Hypothermic Coma) 324
41. Parathyroid Gland Disorders 325
� Primary Hyperparathyroidism 325
� Familial Benign Hypercalcaemia 327
� Hypercalcaemia in Malignancy 327
� Secondary Hyperparathyroidism 327
� Tertiary Hyperparathyroidism 327
� Hypocalcaemic Disorder 328
� Pseudohypoparathyroidis
(Target Organ Resistance) 330
42. Adrenal Gland Disorders 331
� Introduction 331
� Primary Hyperaldosteronism 331
� Secondary Hyperaldosteronism 332
� Cushing's Syndrome 332
� Adrenal Insufficiency (Addison's
Disease) 334
� Phaeochromocytoma 336
43. Pituitary Gland Disorders 339
� Hypopituitarism 339
� Hyperpituitarism—Acromegaly and
Gigantism 341
� Hyperprolactinaemia 343
� Pituitary Tumours 344
� Diabetes Insipidus 344
� Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic
Hormone Secretion 346
Contents xxiii
44. Diabetes Mellitus 348
� Introduction 348
� Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 349
� Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 352
� Acute Complications of Diabetes 356
� Long-term Complications of Diabetes 359
� Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 364
Section 8: Nutrition
45. Nutrition and Health 369
� Introduction 369
� Definitions 369
� The Importance of Food in Health and
Disease 369
� Classification of Food 370
� Carbohydrate 370
� Fat 372
� Protein 373
� Daily Energy
Requirement 373
� Basal Metabolic Rate 374
46. Vitamins and Minerals 375
� Vitamins
� Minerals 384
47. Balanced Diet and Nutritional
Disorders 391
� Balanced Diet 391
� Nutritional Disorders 392
� Aetiology 392
� Malnutrition 392
� Assessment of Nutritional Status 393
� Protein-Energy Malnutrition 394
� Obesity 397
� Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia 401
Section 9: Infectious Diseases
48. Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever 405
� Introduction 405
� Epidemiology 405
� Clinical Features 406
� Investigations 407
� Management 408
� Complications 408
49. Diphtheria 410
� Introduction 410
� Pathology 410
� Clinical Features 410
� Classification 410
� Differential Diagnosis 411
� Diagnosis 411
� Management 411
� Complications 412
� Prevention 412
50. Viral Exanthema 413
� Measles (Rubeola) 413
� Rubella 415
� Mumps 416
� Herpes Zoster (Shingles) 417
� Herpes Simplex 418
51. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 421
� Syphilis 421
� Gonorrhoea 425
� Chancroid 426
52. HIV and AIDS 427
� Introduction 427
� Pathogenesis 427
� Modes of Transmission 428
� Clinical Staging 428
� Immunopathogenesis 429
� Clinical Features 430
� Investigations 432
� Prevention 435
53. Malaria 437
� Introduction 437
� Epidemiology 437
� Transmission of Malaria 438
� Life Cycle 438
� Human Cycle (Schizogony) 439
� Mosquito Cycle (Sporogony) 439
� Clinical Features 440
� Immunity 442
� Recrudescence and Relapse 442
� Laboratory Diagnosis 442
� Treatment 444
� Prophylaxis 445
54. Infectious Mononucleosis 446
� Introduction 446
� Pathogenesis 446
� Clinical Features 446
xxiv Alagappan's Clinical Medicine for Dental Students
� Laboratory Findings 447
� Management 448
55. Oral Manifestations of Mucocutaneous
Lesions 449
� Introduction 449
� Oral Manifestations of
Dermatological Disorders 449
� Management 450
� Behcet's Syndrome 450
� Ludwig's Angina 451
� Oral Manifestations of Infectious
Diseases 451
� Pigment Disorders 453
� Oral Manifestations of Haematological
Disorders 455
Appendix I: Common Drugs Used in Dentistry 457
Appendix II: Drugs of Choice 463
Appendix III: Adverse Effects of Drugs 465
Index 469
Alagappan's Clinical Medicine for Dental Students 3rd Edition PDF Ebook

About the Authors

Priya Verma GuptaMDS
Senior Pedodontist, Editor-in-Chief (Dental), Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India

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